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Chinese, Korean Students Top in OECD PISA Math Tests

Dear NYC Families,
I have been reading on Bloomberg that the United States currently Ranks 27th in Math.  I think we can all agree that is not good.
Especially because all of the futures high paying jobs in STEM highly rely on math.
Eye-Level is South Korea’s #1 Supplemental Math Program  and education company with over 2.5 Million students enrolled worldwide.
Eye-Level is like the Samsung of Education! (Eye-Level HQ is housed in the former Samsung HQ, next door to the new Samsung HQ in New Jersey)
I’m all sure you have all heard of the saying,
“If you can’t beat em, join em!”
Franco Verdino
FasTracKids Regional Director
Please contact your local Center Director today 
to schedule your child’s free assessment!
By Giovanni Salzano – Dec 3, 2013
Korean students were the top performers across OECD countries in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) Mathematics tests in 2012, according to results published today by the OECD in Paris.
Over 510,000 students aged 15 took the tests which covered maths, reading and science, with the main focus on maths. Outside the OECD, students in Shanghai-China attained the highest score followed by Singapore. The lowest ranked OECD country was Mexico and outside OECD countries the lowest
ranked was Peru.
To see the actual numbers, stats, and raking of each countrt click on the link below:

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