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Deadline to Sign Up For G &T Test is Tomorrow!

Registration for G&T test ends this Friday, November 8th

Until November 8th you can register your child for the G&T test through the Dept of Education website. Children born in 2009 are eligible for Kindergarten seats in 2014 and those born is 2008 are eligible for 1st grade seats. We recommend registering as soon as possible in order to secure the testing location and date of your choice.

Please note that the Dept of Education has changed the weighting of the G&T test this year and announced that the OLSAT (verbal) and the NNAT2 (nonverbal) will each account for 50% of the total score. Last year’s scores were comprised of two thirds from NNAT2 nonverbal subtests and one third from OLSAT verbal subtests.

Our G&T prep course adequately addresses this change with a majority of our lessons focused on the OLSAT (verbal) subtests which are more challenging and more difficult to prepare for than the nonverbal subtests. Also, note that our course incorporates Smartboard touch screen technology and hands on manipulatives for a fun, interactive, engaging and more effective learning experience.

Register your child for the test today by accessing the link here: http://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/GiftedandTalented/default.htm

Interested in enrolling your child in our G&T prep course or for private sessions? Simply email or call one of our center directors today!