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Learn how Eye Level supports the new common core standards!

Learn how Eye Level supports the new common core standards!

Q: Does Eye Level follow the Common Core curriculum?
A: The Eye Level program covers the majority of the topics included in the mathematics and English language arts Common Core Standards through its distinctive curriculum emphasizing both basic skills and complex applications in critical thinking and problem solving. Topics are introduced in a linear progression, allowing the students to revisit topics as needed. Our program delivers an individualized learning approach based on the students’ abilities, regardless of their age or grade. Therefore, students will encounter the topics at their own unique pace. Given that the Common Core math standards were internationally benchmarked to standards from top-performing nations such as Singapore, South Korea, and Japan, the Eye Level program boasts excellence in math instruction with its origins based in Korea. The Common Core’s emphasis on proficiency in basic computational skills coupled with applications in problem solving, critical thinking, and reasoning is similar to the Eye Level math program. The Eye Level English program covers many of the Common Core content such as inclusions of informational texts, an incremental progression of complexity in the texts, and the basic skills of reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. As we are committed to meeting the needs of our students, the English program will continue its revision process to align the program to the Common Core Standards.

Q: How will Eye Level prepare my child to perform well in school or on the standardized tests given the new standards?
A: As a supplemental enrichment and remediation program, Eye Level’s primary focus is promoting mastery in the necessary mathematics and English language arts skills students need to succeed in school. Students enrolled in the Eye Level program long term display proficiency in basic math skills, critical thinking, reasoning, reading, and writing that will benefit the students in the era of the Common Core.

Click here to see how our Eye Level program relates to the Common Core State Standards grade by grade.

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